We want you to be able to access the best quality care to transform your dental health. Our London Dental Specialists team encompasses skills and expertise from all the areas in dentistry needed to provide the most up to date and advanced care in the dental world.

Whether you are concerned about a missing single tooth or have a complex long standing gum problem, we can help. From single tooth implants to a full mouth rehabilitation, we can help you achieve the best dental health possible. We treat everyday people with problems that they and their dentist cannot overcome.

You can book your own appointment with our team to discuss your dental concerns or you can ask your dentist to refer you for care. If you don’t have a dentist then that is no problem, just call or message to book in and start your journey with our team.


  • Missing teeth and unsightly gaps
  • Bleeding gums and bad breath
  • Loose teeth that are deteriorating
  • Ill fitting dentures with difficulty eating and chewing
  • Crooked teeth and generally unhappy with the way your teeth look
  • Worn teeth that are disappearing
  • Gummy smile or gum recession
  • Broken down teeth with abscesses and recurring infection

Meet Our Orthodontic Specialist


DipDS Athens 1986 – GDC No: 228487

Dr Kia is also an experienced provider of a wide range of modern and custom made Insignia advanced smile design and lingual Incognito braces besides clear aligners for teens and adults (Invisalign, Spark).

Her special interests include non-extraction treatments, smile aesthetics and design and facial-driven orthodontics.

Dr Kia is also an experienced provider of a wide range of modern and custom made Insignia advanced smile design and lingual Incognito braces besides clear aligners for teens and adults (Invisalign, Spark). Her special interests include non-extraction treatments, smile aesthetics and design and facial-driven orthodontics.

Dr Kia is a strong believer that “a smile is the universal welcome” and she finds it very rewarding when patients and their family have a positive experience during the orthodontic journey.

book a consultation

Your Orthodontic Journey With Us

What to expect during your Invisalign / Spark Aligner treatment.

Get started Now

A close examination and understanding of what needs to be done

If you’re a suitable candidate, we will take diagnostic x-rays and impressions

Receive a bespoke treatment plan, detailing your treatment journey

Receive your new clear aligners!